When I purchase a CSA share box, I have committed to enjoy the farm fresh, naturally grown produce that Fortuitous Farms has chosen for the CSA boxes according to available quantity and seasonal produce. I am committed to executing a schedule for the time frame selected that is representative of that selected time frame. (12 week pickup schedules should not exceed a 16 week time frame if holds are required. I am willing to commit to all risks and rewards involved with the farm’s harvests for the duration of my subscription.
I also agree that:
I am responsible for picking up my share(s) at the location I selected and agree to the hours of pick up designated at said location. I understand that if I am unable to arrange pick up of my share(s) my order will be donated to charity at the end of the pickup day and no refund will be expected or given.
I understand that privilege to place a hold is intended to allow flexibility for those with erratic and unpredictable work schedules or to allow for holding the service for a family vacation. One should not expect to use the hold feature to intentionally extend the intended schedule selected by more than half its original time frame. (i.e. 4 weeks should not take longer than 6 to complete and 12 week subscriptions should not take longer than 18 weeks to complete.) Please discuss required exceptions with the office manager of Fortuitous Farms prior to approving the confirmed schedule.
To place a hold, I must email support@fortuitousfarms.com with the request by the Friday preceding the requested hold date.
I may not claim refunds for shares of produce I do not prefer.
I understand there is a trade box provided to each location to assist those with dietary restrictions, such as allergies. When required, this allows me to trade an item from my share box for an item from the trade box, swapping equally – and no more than share for share. I further understand this is not offered as a taste test, or preference swap. Please discuss any requests to swap produce with your host in order to ensure those with dietary restrictions are kept as the priority to exercise this feature for medical purposes first.
I must maintain my own schedule and I will ensure I have reordered my subscription with a minimum of 1 week ahead of the first requested date of each new subscription.
I will bring my own containers to pick up my produce.
* I understand I will be auto-billed.